Why Should Banking Umbilical Cord Blood be on Your “To Do” List?

Umbilical cord blood banking or cord blood banking is a procedure to store the stem cells from the umbilical cord and placenta. But why should one collect and store the cells? As per medical science, stem cells from the umbilical cord and placenta are the primary body cells with a life-saving power.

Since they are the most immature cells in our body, they can assume the structure of any other cells in the human body. Thus, collecting them after the baby’s birth and storing the cells is the best way to secure your little one’s health in the future, store them at an affordable cord blood bank of $19.99/month

We all know that the umbilical cord connects the baby with the mother while the little one stays in the womb. During this time, the baby gets all the proteins, vitamins, and nutrients through the cord. Therefore, the cord blood is full of all the essential elements a human body requires to survive.

So, it is another reason why the cord blood stem cells are helpful for the human body, and you should store them after the birth of a baby. Since umbilical cord blood stem cell storing is a new thing, many parents get skeptical about the necessity of this banking. Therefore, here we have penned down this blog to help you find the answer to whether cord blood is worth it or not.

The benefits of Umbilical Cord Blood Banking

First of all, let us share the advantages of umbilical cord blood banking to understand why you should do it. Below we have noted down all the benefits your child and your family can receive from this cord blood storage.

So, go through the points before throwing away the umbilical cord after the birth of your baby.

● Anyone can receive the stem cells recovering from chronic disease.

Unlike the bone marrow transplant, the stem cells from umbilical cord blood have a high possibility of getting accepted by any receivers. Since the stem cells of the bone marrow have to match the receivers’ profile, it is a more complex and uncertain process.

But, most of the receivers accept the umbilical cord blood stem cells. Thus, if the child or any other family member develops a specific health condition, the umbilical cord blood stem cell can help them recover.

● Cord blood stem cells treat immune system disorders.

In any health condition related to the immune system, doctors use the umbilical cord blood stem cells as regenerative medicine for treating the disorder. Also, during cancer treatment, umbilical cord blood stem cells ensure the proper function of the immune system.

● Umbilical cord blood treats leukemia, arthritis, diabetes, and other health conditions.

If your child develops diabetes, leukemia, or arthritis in the future, doctors can use the umbilical cord blood stem cells as regenerative medicine. So, you can use the cord blood stem cells as a life-saver medicine.

● Umbilical Cord Blood Banking is less risky for the donor.

While compared to the bone marrow transplant, the umbilical cord blood stem cells collection is a less painful, risky, and complicated process for the donor. Even it poses no risk for the mother too.

Therefore, new parents should consider umbilical cord blood storing to ensure the baby’s health in the future.

● Proper collection and storage, and ready-to-use anytime

When the stem cell collectors store umbilical cord blood in the bank, they store it with cord blood at freezing temperature. Therefore, the stored stem cells are ready to use anytime or at the time of emergency.

Is it necessary to put umbilical cord blood preservation on the to-do list?

We hope you have understood the perks of banking umbilical cord blood. So, in one sentence- you should put umbilical cord blood storage on your to-do list. Although only a few people use cord blood during their lifetime, you cannot risk your child’s health. Also, if you store the cord blood stem cell in the public cord bank, you do not need to spend a single buck.