What is Ketamine? How it Works and Helps Severe Depression

Ketamine got approval as an anesthetic for people in 1970 earlier it was used only for animals. In the Vietnam War, it was used to treat injured soldiers on the battlefields. Ketamine can be effective for treating severe depression. You just have to search “Ketamine infusions near me” on Google to get the best Ketamine treatment for your depression.

Ketamine is a non-barbiturate anesthetic that is used in both animals and people. Ketamine is also used for hallucinogenic effects. Patients don’t need to be on a ventilator to receive it as it does not slow breathing or heart rate.

According to some mental health experts, ketamine can be an effective treatment for reducing symptoms of depression rapidly. Here is a brief outlook on how ketamine works and helps severe depression:

Ketamine Works as a Miracle Drug

Studies show that the drug ketamine was widely used as anesthesia during surgeries. It triggers glutamate production which helps to prompt the brain to form new neural connections. “As a result, the brain becomes more flexible and capable of creating new pathways, allowing patients to acquire more positive ideas and behaviors.

This effect had not been seen even with traditional antidepressants. Researchers have led ketamine research for the last two decades by experimenting with subanesthetic doses of ketamine delivered intravenously.

This is used for patients with severe depression who have not improved with standard antidepressant treatments in a controlled clinic situation. The results became dramatic. Research suggests that within just 24 hours, more than half of individuals see a significant reduction in depressive symptoms.

It’s a More Patient-Friendly Version

Esketamine is one version of the ketamine molecule. It works similarly but the chemical make-up allows it to bind more tightly to the NMDA glutamate receptors two to five times more potent. It shows that the patients need a lower dose of it than they do ketamine.

It’s given for patients who have moderate to severe depression and haven’t responded to at least two prior antidepressant medicines.

How does ketamine work?

Ketamine IV treatment consists of a series of infusions that take around ninety minutes to complete. For anesthesia, a much lower dose is given for depression. The treatment includes a two-hour post-treatment observation period to monitor the side effects of the patient.

The most promising benefits of ketamine for depression are how quickly it works. Other antidepressant medications typically take weeks or even months to work properly. In an hour after the initial dose, ketamine starts working to offer relief. To determine the exact mechanisms of the effectiveness of ketamine in the treatment of depression, research is still undergoing.

According to current theories, it may work in several different ways.it helps to facilitate communication in specific areas of the brain. It also causes physical growth in the cortex and increases the formation of new synapses in the brain. It reduces signals involved in inflammation and restores coordinated circuit activity.

Ketamine works differently than existing antidepressants. Other standard antidepressants affect the monoamine neurotransmitters including serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. But ketamine acts on glutamate which is the most common chemical messenger in the brain.

In the changes of synapses goes in response to experiences that underlie learning and memory, glutamate plays an important role. Glutamate is an amino acid that acts as a major neurotransmitter in the brain. This thing kept the researchers in suspension that such “neuroplasticity” would lay at the heart of ketamine’s antidepressant effects.

As ketamine can make you feel detached from your physical sensations so it is called a “dissociative anesthetic.” Ketamine can be truly remarkable for its antidepressant effects. The science behind the mechanism is still on its way to grow. To closely understand this, the researchers by experimenting with cells and mouse models looked at the underlying molecular mechanism of ketamine.

If you or someone you know is dealing with severe depression then it will be the best option for you. Consult a mental health expert to treat your disorder. You can search for the best mental health expert for yourself by searching “ketamine infusions near me” on Google.