Pediatrician – Why Regular Visits are Important?

As a parent, you are likely to see a pediatrician even if your child has the slightest fever or a cough. But pediatric visits should be more than just for emergency health requirements. Regular visits to your pediatrician can offer you and your child many benefits.

Consider these reasons as to why regular visits to your pediatrician’s clinic are important.

For Tracking Growth Milestones

Regular pediatric visits are crucial so that the doctor can keep track of your child’s growth milestones. You may not feel this to be an important factor. But infants and toddlers grow really fast and require proper care to see if they are hitting the right growth milestones or not.

Without regular checkups, it is not possible to check if your children has issues with her hearing or sight. Some infants fail to gain proper weight and remain thin. But they might still be meeting the development milestone for their age. But you won’t know this until the doctor is able to ascertain this for a fact after a proper checkup of your child. Rather than worrying unnecessarily and resorting to inadequate home remedies, it might be better to see the pediatrician on a regular basis.

Yes, it might not always be easy. Let’s say, your pediatrician Gaithersburg MD, is at quite a distance from your home. In that case, you can switch to a doctor closer to your residence or simply make the time for your child’s well-being.

For Preventive Care

Preventive medical care requires regular visits to the doctor’s clinic for proper health assessment. You can’t afford to miss your child’s scheduled immunizations. You cannot also take for granted a persistent cough or infection. A simple symptom can be indicative of a rather serious medical condition.

For Checking Behavioral Issues

Kids can experience a variety of behavioral issues ranging from anxiety, stress, excessive display of anger (leading to fights), etc. In some cases, stress can signal towards a more concerning issue such as depression or an eating disorder. Anxiety can lead to a child succumbing to alcohol and drugs. They can even begin to indulge in truancy.

Teens often experience behavioral issues due to rapid hormonal changes. If such issues are not checked in time, your child’s performance can suffer. They can even become scarred for life. The problem is that it is very easy to miss signs of depression or anxiety in a child. But a doctor might notice something is amiss and offer the right treatment to your child.

For the Right Dietary Needs

Kids today mostly eat processed foods or don’t eat on time as they need to run from one activity to another. Kids are at high risk of becoming obese due to overindulgence of fatty foods. Some kids might lack in important nutrients such as a specific trace mineral due to their fussy eating habits. Your pediatrician can take the necessary steps to reverse the harm to your child’s health due to her or his poor dietary habits. The doctor can prescribe supplements or recommend extra physical activities if needed.

If your child refuses to eat properly due to psychological reasons, then your pediatrician can counsel him or her. In extreme cases, your pediatrician may refer you to a psychiatrist to help your child.

For your Peace of Mind

As a parent, you can lie awake at night riddled with anxiety thinking about some symptom your child could be experiencing. It can be a harmless cough or temporary stress due to some upcoming school test. But the symptoms can be worrisome for the parents. Regular visits to your pediatrician can help you build a sound relationship with your child’s health expert. You will be able to call the doctor and schedule an emergency visit more easily in such cases. You will be also able to speak with your pediatrician more openly about your concerns regarding your child’s health. With regular pediatric visits, you won’t have to second guess about your child’s development milestones or any worrisome (or not) symptoms. Parents can utilize the time of the visits to ask the doctor questions about their child’s health or discuss any other pertinent medical issue related to their well-being.