Frequently Asked Questions About Distilled Water

Distillation of water involves boiling the water into vapors and then collecting the steam in a separate container. This vapor is condensed to turn into the water again.

The process of distillation removes contaminants and pollutants from water. Distilled water is thus a purified form of water, but the process also removes minerals from water.

There are a lot of assumptions about distilled water. Some say distilled water is the best water for babies as it is free of contaminants and helps detoxify the body. Others claim that the water leaches minerals from your body and is detrimental to health. While this is not completely true, let’s discuss some of the frequently asked questions about distilled water.

Question 1: Is distilled water healthier for the human body?

Yes, distilled water is purified water that is healthier for the human body. Distillation is the most effective process of removing pollutants and contaminants from water. The water thus obtained is free of any impurities.

Question 2: Does distilled water devoid of minerals, and is it detrimental to health?

Yes, distillation removes minerals from water, and the water is devoid of any minerals. However, 95%of minerals absorbed by the human body are derived from food and not water. If you want to add a mineral source to your diet, supplements are a better alternative. They can help you make up for any deficiency in your food.

Question 3: Does distilled water leach minerals from the body?

This is a rumor circulated by companies who deal in products that are in direct competition with distilled water. These rumors are not backed by any concrete evidence. Also, there is no scientific study that proves that distilled water can leach minerals from the body.

Question 4: Does distilled water taste flat?

No, distilled water does not taste flat. Distilled water is purified water that has a neutral taste. It is fresh and hydrating. However, if you have been consuming tap water, you may experience a difference in taste which may take a while to get acquainted with.

Question 5: How is distilled water better than tap water?

The tap water in your area may contain harmful chemicals, pesticides, or other contaminants. These substances are extremely harmful to the body, especially for kids. In such a case, you should opt for a distilled water that is safe and free from any hazardous chemicals.

Question 6: What are the other water purification processes apart from distillation?

The other methods of removing impurities from the water are reverse osmosis and ionization. They both purify the water and make it safe for drinking.

Reverse osmosis is the process of filtering water through a unique layer called a semipermeable membrane. This membrane filters the water and removes salt and other impurities to purify the water.

The second purification method is called deionization. The process involves removing mineral ions and salt from water.

Question 7: What is the most effective method of removing contaminants from the water?

Out of the three methods, distillation is the most effective method of purifying water. It is most effective in removing pollutants and contaminants from water.

Question 8: Why is distilled water better than filtered water?

Distilled water is better than filtered water for numerous reasons.

Water filters can get clogged, which can lead to the growth of bacteria and other microbes. This can make water unfit for drinking and even worse than tap water.

Filters require changing filter cartridges at regular intervals and can become a recurring expenditure. If you have a busy schedule, this may become inconvenient.

Also, filtered water is not as pure as distilled water, as some impurities can’t be removed by the process of filtration.

These are some of the most asked questions about distilled water. As discussed earlier, distillation is the most effective method of purifying water and provides you with the best distilled water for baby and adults.