Five Medications Pediatricians Should Never Prescribe, But Still Do

Every parent wants to ensure that their child feels better, especially when they are sick. But the fact is medicines with over-the-counter effects can be dangerous for your kid. But sometimes, for early results, pediatricians prescribe such medicines. As a parent, you should always know what is best for your child and what should be neglected.
Usually, parents never check on medicines they give to their kinds and aren’t safe for children. But the surprising part is certain common medicines also exist within the pediatrician list should never prescribe medicines.
Even in numerous situations, parents run to the drugstore and get the medicines as per the shown symptoms. However, just because the medicine is easily available doesn’t ensure its authenticity for your child.
And until the baby is atleast three months old, never give any type of medication by yourself or through a drugstore. Instead, always visit the pediatrician, get a perfect checkup and get the best treatment for your child.
The only medicine you can give to a newborn kid without consultation is Vitamin D drops. Otherwise, common medication such as Tylenol shouldn’t be given. The key thing is never trying to become a doctor for your kid at home. It will not be safe and can create hectic situations.
Let’s go through five such medicines, which even the pediatrician prescribes and must not be prescribed. Having information about these medicines will help you to check up on your pediatrician if he is giving those to your kid or not.
Aspirin Also Known as Acetylsalicylic Acid:
Aspirin should not be given to anyone who is under 18 years.
Aspirin for children is a big NO. The research reveals that it has the potential of causing Reye’s Syndrome, a consequential condition. It leads to liver swelling and swelling in the brain. Only in rare cases for certain diseases and severe conditions should aspirin be given to children. Never give any type of aspirin to your child at home without Jacksonville pediatricians prescription.
Advil Or Ibuprofen:
It is not at all recommended for baby’s who are younger than six months. In the market, certain infant ibuprofen-based products are available, but you should avoid them for children’s good health. Usually, doctors opt to use acetaminophen (Tylenol) to place ibuprofen too, when it is highly crucial. In case the baby is going through severe tooth pain or persistent fever. It has always been considered the best way because the use of Tylenol never risks the blood flow towards the kidney.
Cough syrups:
Yes, you read it right, cough syrups. People start giving cough syrups to their children whenever they see coughing symptoms, and even pediatricians do the same. But the fact is it can be harmful to your child and also are ineffective. The cough syrups are harmful, but the risk factor is low. That is why in emergency cases, pediatricians recommend it but try avoiding it as much as you can. Certain medications and homeopathic syrups are available in the market, which says best for infants to six years, even they aren’t that effective or promotes good health. The researcher says cough syrups aren’t a significant way to treat the cough or cold of your child.
Benadryl (diphenhydramine):
It is not meant for children who are two years old or under two. A 2019 based Canadian research reveals it should not be used for treating any allergic symptoms amongst children. Additionally, other ‘first-generation- antihistamines can generate unnecessary risks that must be avoided for children’s better health.
Nasal drops like Otrivin (xylometazoline)
Pediatricians recommend nasal drops for children for their clogged noses, but they shouldn’t be doing so. It is considered only for adults. Children might become used to it if given during childhood. These drops dry the nasal passages. Rather than using nasal drops, you can choose an aspirator. It will provide quick relief to a stuffy nose. Just suck out and clean the baby’s nose, especially before feeding. Also, apart from a sucker, you can count on a saline solution. It is safe and helps in clearing up the nasal passages. Also, it is great for running nose for making your child more comfortable. There will be no need for medications with such solutions.