Everything About Dental Veneers Treatment

Often if you are smiling less due to the appearance of your teeth, opt for dental veneers. Many people clam their mouths or stiffen the upper lip whenever they feel the urge to laugh or smile because they are ashamed of showing their teeth – which may be crooked, stained or cracked. One of the popular methods dental veneers McLean helps to cover up these dental flaws.


Veneers are made of thin durable shells that are made of tooth-colored materials bonded to the surface of a tooth for enhancing its appearance.


Composite and porcelain bonding is the most popular veneer materials. Composite veneers are made of a resin that is bonded and shaped to a tooth for enhancing the appearance. Porcelain veneers are built in a lab that provides more resistance to stains as compared to other materials.

Choosing porcelain or composite bonding veneers

The best option will be decided by your prosthodontist. If your tooth is functioning properly and minor changes are needed, cosmetic bonding is the best choice. If the patient grinds or clenches their teeth or the teeth are dark, broken and spaced, go for porcelain veneers.


Usually getting a porcelain veneer is a multi-level procedure. The first step is to consult with a prosthodontist. During this visit, outline your concerns and goals and prosthodontist will be explaining the various steps of putting a veneer. Impressions of your teeth or X-rays may also be required.  The second step is preparing the tooth for the veneer. For creating an impression, a small amount of tooth structure needs to be removed and temporary veneers are placed by the prosthodontist. During your next appointment, the temporary structure is removed and the final veneer is fitted to your tooth.

In the case of veneers McLean that are made of composite bonding or tooth-colored filling material, you need to take just one appointment where the prosthodontist will be removing a small amount of tooth structure and a bond filling material is fitted to your teeth. This type is not long lasting and unable to resist stain like porcelain veneer.


A veneer typically lasts five to ten years. There is no need for special care other than flossing, brushing and visiting your prosthodontist. If proper care is taken, they will last much longer. It is recommended to clean after every six months by a professional and veneers must be examined once a year.

How many veneers are required?

After the consultation, your prosthodontist will tell the number of veneers required or whether veneers McLean is the perfect option. It is best in having even number of veneers. For best aesthetic results use two, four, eight or ten veneers.


Flossing regularly, wearing a bite guard during the night and brushing twice daily for two minutes are some of the best ways for protecting your veneers. Avoid eating hard foods like nuts or cracking shells with the front portion veneers.


It depends on which portion of your teeth you have done and the number of teeth.

Insurance benefit

It totally depends on the dental insurance. Some of the insurance firms will be covering up to fifty percent of the fee as they are as reasonable, but before that, you should discuss the process with your insurance provider and prosthodontist.

Will one gets hurt during treatment?

During the veneering process, patients are made numb. After the numbness takes effect, the patient will not feel any pain. While inserting two or four veneers, there will be no discomfort or may be very little after the numbness effect subsides. If one is involved with eight or more veneers, one can expect some soreness of the gums and the jaw portion. You can remove the soreness by taking some medications from any shop.

What to eat and avoid?

Most foods can be eaten but every patient has a different bite. Initially take some soft foods so that the patients get accustomed to the new bite position. After a few weeks, you can eat anything unless your case has specific requirements. You should avoid common foods like popcorn, pumpkin seeds, hard nuts, caramel apples, hard candy, and hard biscuits.