Facts and Treatments for Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids or unusually swollen cluster of veins in the anal area is a painful condition that makes countless people suffer. The itchy and swollen varicose veins in the rectum can be a chronic painful condition. The swollen veins can have a countenance similar to the size of a grape or a pea in most cases. The itchy condition getting worse in the course of time can lead to severe pain and even bleeding. Pregnant women are more vulnerable to hemorrhoids as the inflated uterus exerts more pressure on the lower veins of the body. It is particularly common to appear in the middle of the second to third trimester of the pregnancy.

Though pregnancy is often cited as a major contributing factor to hemorrhoids, definitely all pregnant women do not suffer from this disorder. So, other contributing and responsible factors like constipation, derogatory lifestyle habits like prolonged sitting and lack of exercise can also contribute to hemorrhoids to a great extent. There are two distinct types of hemorrhoids, respectively as external ones that occur under the skin surrounding the area of the anus and the internal hemorrhoids occurring inside the anal canal. In pregnant women during labor increase pressure on the lower veins and pelvic area can further worsen the condition.

Why hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy?

Pregnant women are more vulnerable to hemorrhoids as there are several contributing factors that takes a major role in the swelling and inflation of the veins in the pelvic and anal area. First of all, the growing size of the uterus exerts more pressure on the pelvic veins and a particular vein called vena cava which is responsible for receiving blood from the lower limbs. This increased pressure on the lower veins causes leads to the dilatation and swelling of veins under uterus, eventually creating a small pillow like cluster of swollen veins we usually refer as hemorrhoid.

Constipation and difficulty in bowel movement is a common problem experienced by majority of pregnant women and this is a major contributing factor to hemorrhoids. Straining in bowel movement and consequent downward pressure on the pelvic veins leads to swelling and dilation of veins.

Hormonal change during pregnancy is also a major contributing factor.  Progesterone, a female hormone get is secreted in more volume during pregnancy and this causes relaxation in vein walls allowing swelling effect with slightest effect on them. Moreover, this hormone also slows down the intestinal tract making bowel movement even harder.

Remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Hemorrhoids in most pregnant women just resolve gradually after the labor is over. Though, if the condition gets worse it can persist. To prevent the condition from getting severe and to get relief from the pain, there is an array of time tested hemorrhoid treatment for pregnancy and remedies that we would mention here.

•  Soaking the anal area and the hips in warm water several times a day can relieve the pain by making way for better blood circulation.

•  Applying hazel in the anal area can be pain relieving remedy.

•  As a preventive measure avoid sitting for extended periods as this can aggravate the pressure on the lower veins.

•  Consume fiber rich food and lot of dietary fluid and water to stay clear of constipation and difficulty of bowel movement.

•  Light exercise and brisk walk helps easing the bowel movement and facilitating better blood circulation and consequently can provide relief from hemorrhoids.

•  Sleeping side faced will allow less pressure on the lower veins and may improve the condition.

•  Applying ice packs repeatedly on the hemorrhoid can not only relieve the pain but can also make it shrink in size.  But while doing so, always use a clean cloth and avoid rubbing on the area.

•  Applying some over-the-counter creams and topical ointment for hemorrhoids on the area can also relieve you from itching and pain. While applying anything or wiping the place always use medicated wipe.

•  To avoid pressure while sitting using a donut shaped pillow is good way to feel uncomfortable.

•  Finally, as soon as the first sign of the hemorrhoids appear, consult your attending physician immediately. A stool softener or topical treatment can be recommended by the doctor to provide relief from the painful condition.

Always remember that constipation is a major contributor to hemorrhoids in pregnant (http://www.webmd.com/baby/tc/pregnancy-hemorrhoids-and-constipation-topic-overview) women and simple lifestyle measures and preventive actions can deliver get relief in this regard. It starts with consuming adequate amounts of dietary fiber, drinking plenty of water, light exercise and certain physical activities to using some stool softeners.